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Think Local When Opening up

Writer's picture: brentforsbergbrentforsberg

It seems the lights are beginning to show at the end of the tunnel. Construction had a good start last week, and I saw posts from other businesses anxious to get going this week and next. As we all work together to safely restart our economy, I wanted to ask to keep local purchases at the top of your mind. I have put a link to the Greater Lansing Regional Chamber’s resource page. Every dollar we keep in the community will make a great impact on getting our business community healthy again. A report from Michigan State named Why Buy Local, states “When dollars are spent locally, they can, in turn, be re-spent locally, raising the overall level of economic activity, paying more salaries, and building the local tax bases.”

As shown in these pie charts, the importance of all of us working together and using the power of recycling cash will make a huge difference for so many. While it is uncertain what the future is going to bring, one thing I do know is, the Greater Lansing Region is the best place to live and work in the country. This community cares about everyone in it. We will come out of this stronger than we have ever been, and I believe others will see how well our region weathered this unprecedented time and it will help attract new growth and business for years to come. Thank you for all each of you do to support our community. I look forward to seeing everyone in person in the future. If there is anything we can do to help please let me know.


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